Well...I am not going to lie when I say that I am a Twilighter. Not to the point some people are, but I do enjoy the series and I am starting to get hyped for the new movie. Once I have seen it, it will phase off till the release of the DVD. Then I will get the DVD, and it will once again phase off.
They just came out with the new New Moon Trailer called "Meet Jacob Black". I didn't really want to see it since I am part of Team Edward(at least until the 3rd book.....he gets all mushy lovey in it, blech......). I never was a fan of Jake. As the story went on, I thought that he was a pompous prat. Hopefully, things will change my view once I see the movies.....I did sort of like him in the end. *KEY WORDS: sort of*
The new trailer does look great and I think the acting will be MUCH better now that they have a new director. I was excited to see the wolves.....
So, check out the new trailer: "Meet Jacob Black"
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Position Lost; Purpose Regained
I started a new Bible study yesterday called "Follow Me: Becoming a Lifestyle Prayerwalker" by Randy Sprinkle. Today had a really great story and I thought that I would share it here:
Cameron's story of the Titanic also missed what was perhaps the greatest human story of the tragedy. Fourtantely it was not lost to history. And the story is greatest because of its tie to the greatest story ever told.
On board the Titanic was a widowed Scottish minister named John Harper and his 6 year old daughter. When the ship began to sink, Harper, traveling second class, handed his daughter to an officer on an upper deck who put her in a lifeboat. He then began helping those on his deck. Others were doing this as well, but Harper's assisatance was unique because of his instructions, hear over and over during the chaos.
"Women and children and the unsaved into the lifeboats first. Women and children and the unsaved into the lifeboats first."
John Harper recognized the moment as the threshold of eterenity. He was ready to face God, but he knew that many on board were not.
As a minister, Harper's lips had often declared God's love for the lost. Now his life declared it in a ultimate act. When he came upon a man without a lifejacket, John Harper took off his own and putit on the man.
Later, floating in the emptiness of the dark chilling waters, a survivor came within sight of a man struggling to stay afloat. It was John Harper. Rather than asking for help, Harper called out to the man, "Are you saved?"
"No," came the answer.
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved."
The man's reply was one o silence and they drifted out of sight of one another.A little later, the man spied Harper again and again Harper called out to him.
"Are you saved now?"
Again the answer , "No, I can't honestly say that I am."
And again the refrain, weaker but still clear, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." Then there was a silence as John Harper slipped below the surface- and into the arms of God.
Later in a meeting in Ontario, Canada, the survivor stood, telling this story and closing with these words: "Shortly after he went down; and there, alone in the night, with two miles of water under me, I believed."
Romans 5:6~You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.
This story is a remarkable reminder that we should have no fear in death. Jesus' arms are always surrounding us. Holding us. Comforting us. Renewing us. Even in the darkest times of our lives, there is hope and truth that Jesus gave us. He died for all of us.
Cameron's story of the Titanic also missed what was perhaps the greatest human story of the tragedy. Fourtantely it was not lost to history. And the story is greatest because of its tie to the greatest story ever told.
On board the Titanic was a widowed Scottish minister named John Harper and his 6 year old daughter. When the ship began to sink, Harper, traveling second class, handed his daughter to an officer on an upper deck who put her in a lifeboat. He then began helping those on his deck. Others were doing this as well, but Harper's assisatance was unique because of his instructions, hear over and over during the chaos.
"Women and children and the unsaved into the lifeboats first. Women and children and the unsaved into the lifeboats first."
John Harper recognized the moment as the threshold of eterenity. He was ready to face God, but he knew that many on board were not.
As a minister, Harper's lips had often declared God's love for the lost. Now his life declared it in a ultimate act. When he came upon a man without a lifejacket, John Harper took off his own and putit on the man.
Later, floating in the emptiness of the dark chilling waters, a survivor came within sight of a man struggling to stay afloat. It was John Harper. Rather than asking for help, Harper called out to the man, "Are you saved?"
"No," came the answer.
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved."
The man's reply was one o silence and they drifted out of sight of one another.A little later, the man spied Harper again and again Harper called out to him.
"Are you saved now?"
Again the answer , "No, I can't honestly say that I am."
And again the refrain, weaker but still clear, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." Then there was a silence as John Harper slipped below the surface- and into the arms of God.
Later in a meeting in Ontario, Canada, the survivor stood, telling this story and closing with these words: "Shortly after he went down; and there, alone in the night, with two miles of water under me, I believed."
Romans 5:6~You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.
This story is a remarkable reminder that we should have no fear in death. Jesus' arms are always surrounding us. Holding us. Comforting us. Renewing us. Even in the darkest times of our lives, there is hope and truth that Jesus gave us. He died for all of us.
Thursday, August 06, 2009
IN REVIEW: Matt Papa~Your Kingdom Come

When the first piano phrasings ripped into full blown in-your-face worship on “Hallelujah, Our God Reigns”, I was completely drawn in. I bobbed my head and found myself instantly singing along with the second chorus. The music is easily addicting and easily singable.
There is something for everyone. The guitar driven worship is great for those that want to rock it out for God. The more worshipful pieces, like “Open Hands”, are great for those looking for a prayer to strengthen their souls. Matt has a wonderful blend of praise and uplifting. Then he completely turns it around with “Woe to You”. Nothing like throwing in a little hit-you-in –the-stomach truth. Something this world really needs. I know that I was impacted by the lyrical plea for us to change our ways of religion and put God first in our lives instead of trying to bend the rules and make His word fit comfortably in our lives.
I highly recommend this album to everyone! I rarely find an album that smoothly flows into the next song or draws me in right away. I definitely have my favorite pieces that are on constant replay (“Hallelujah, Our God Reigns”, “Open Hands”, “Trinity”, “You Can Do Anything” “We Will Shine”, “117”). If you like the stylings of Third Day, Jeremy Camp, StellarKart, Jars of Clay, and Michael W. Smith, then you will enjoy Matt Papa’s newest endeavor.
For some extra goodies, you can download the chords for "Open Hands" here and have Matt teach you the chords here:
And you can check out more Matt Papa goodies here at his youTube.
For more information check out:
Your Kingdom Come will be releases August 18th!
Ahoy! Thanks for stopping by. Sometimes life should be an open book and here you will find that true. My mind is always on full speed and I will be heading over many waves. I hope this journey is as much of an adventure for you as it is for me~ ~Mindy