1. My brother and his wife had a baby on January 31, 2008....Ryan Aaron is is name....he's a doll.
2. I have started writing some children's novels, inspired by my niece who loves to read.
3. I became licensed to sell Life Insurance in December.
4. I heart Jack Sparrow.....even more than usual...
5. I found out that the growth on my dad's bladder was cancerous, but they think that they got most of it off, and he will have to go through Prostrate surgery in June.
6. I went and saw the Lion King the musical, twice. Was put on the news for one of them for my Lion King display at work....and got to meet one the cast members, who stopped in the store and bought a guitar, and get a book signed for me.
7. Went to Milwaukee on March 2,2008 to see the lion king and stopped at the Historical where *GASP* Johnny Depp will be filming a scene....and took some pics...

And really had to pee after all the excitement

and got side tracked and ended up in.....TORGTUGA!!??!!!
Found a nice pub...and drank me some rum...
well...it's only Malibu and diet coke...but whatever......
this is what happens when you drink toooo much rum...
someone wanted to start a fight, and we needed to make a great escape....oh look! Stairs!

We had some help from a little "Sparrow"...
and the Jeaopardy Van...
8. Went to Oshkosh for the Extras Audition on March 8, 2008 for *GASP AGAIN* Johnny Depp's new movie, Public Enemies.....Decided not to auditon, but interview people for Depp Impact...here is my article with pics....
Location: Oshkosh, WI
Date: March 8, 2008
It was like stepping back into the 1930's. Pinstripe suites, bowler hats, and fur coats. Thank god for the fur coats, because it was maybe five degrees above zero. Between the smiling and laughing, was huddling together to keep warm while the line outside Carl Traeger Elementary snaked around the building. People from all over North East Wisconsin were waiting to get thier chance to showcase their talents as an extra in the upcoming and most anticipated Johnny Depp movie, Public Enemies.
The Joan Philo Casting Agency, based out of Chicago, was in town today from 10am- 4pm, auditioning people for the extras parts. It will be a good possiblity that Oshkosh will play a roll in the movie, along with Milwaukee and Chicago. It is an experience of a lifetime for Johnny Depp fans of all ages.
I interviewed a few people in line, while they were waiting to get into the building. I met Brooke, Sarah, Renee, Sue, and Suzy, amongst others. All avid Johnny Depp fans. When asked when they became Johnny Depp fans, most said as soon as they saw, Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl. A few others, including myself, dated ourselves by saying we have been fans since 21 Jump Street and Edward Scissorhands. But all the same, we love the same man. When I asked one fan what would she do if she ever got the chance to meet Johnny in person, she said her initial reaction would be to "scream, and say Oh, My god!" But then she would like to sit down and have an intellectual conversation with him, "because I am sure he will have something interesting to say."
People came out for different reasons for the movie, but over all the reaction was the same. It's an "experience of a lifetime, and when will we be able to experience something like this again". To think that "Oshkosh will be part of Hollywood history is a cool opportunity to see your hometown on the big screen", one fan said.

9. Found out *GASP ONCE AGAIN!* that Johnny Depp was in Appleton, WI staying at the Radisson...How in the world did I miss that??!!!!
10. I love Johnny Deppp more than usual as well.....
So, that's what I have been up to lately....I am now going to check out journalism, I love to write......I am going to keep up with the Public Enemies for Depp Impact.....I will try and get to all the events for the movie if I can.....